Showing posts with label Reminiscence of a Stock Operator Edwin Lefevre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reminiscence of a Stock Operator Edwin Lefevre. Show all posts

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Three Books I Hold Dear

I love books and we have a great library at home. We frequent book sales on weekends, without shame we call that our favorite past time: friends of the library sales, Goodwill stores and we have two favorites (Mercer Island Thrift Store and Santa Barbara Goodwill which are often filled with good books). We are often rewarded with good finds in the book section to add to our library which has grown by leaps and bounds, it must be over 1000 books by now. My reading interests are still broadly the same: finance, business, food, photography, but his interests cover a wider genre.

Let's start with the three finance books I hold dear:

Reminiscence of a Stock Operator by #Edwin Lefevre. If you trade or are an investor, this is the one book to read and read it from cover to cover. There are many gems in this book and you will not be disappointed

I thoroughly enjoy reading these books, given that I love all things finance and I trade my own account for a living. The Antifragile book is an easier read than The Black Swan. It is such a good book that we have his and hers copy :)

I shall close with one quote: "In old days books were written by men of letters and read by the public. Nowadays books are written by the public and read by nobody." - Oscar Wilde What has the World we live in become, sad indeed.